The Lady (2011) Play Movie

 on Senin, 21 September 2015  

Little Ashes is a case of too little of this and too much of that, and like the rumored affair, nothing of substance to hold on to.. In the end, it doesn't satisfy as fact-based bio or love story, but we appreciate the effort.. Yeoh's serene dignity counts for much, but overall The Lady suffers from a serious case of the bland.. Beltran, for his part, makes a solidly believable Garcia Lorca. The problem is with the man with whom he's obsessed. In Pattinson's performance, we never see what Garcia...


The Lady (2011) Play Movie 4.5 5 Unknown Senin, 21 September 2015 Little Ashes is a case of too little of this and too much of that, and like the rumored affair, nothing of substance to hold on to.. In the ...

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